Monday 22 May 2023


        A collection of student work connected to the standards you must meet make up a portfolio assessment. Each component in the portfolio was chosen because it is an authentic picture of what you have learned and serves to display your current knowledge and skills. A portfolio assessment is sometimes seen as an authentic kind of assessment since it comprises actual copies of a learner's output. A lot of advocates of portfolio assessments say that it is an effective evaluation tool since it indicates learning and progress over time.

        Portfolio assessment is an important tool for recording student learning in different discipline. It evaluates students' aptitude to thrive in various study. The pieces of the portfolio must be customized to bring out the abilities and expertise of the students. 

       I listed the importance of portfolio assessment for students and these are the following: 

  1. Shows growth over  time
  2. Displays student's accomplishments
  3. Take responsibility for their work
  4. Demonstrates how student think
  5. It enhances motivation
        Portfolios capture evidence of instruction from a range of sources other than student evaluations, and they give context for that information. The act of collecting and arranging information for a portfolio can aid in the reflection and improvement of your teaching. Portfolio evaluation allows students to think back on their actual achievement, to illustrate their strengths and weaknesses in various domains, to watch how they develop throughout the course of study, and to inspire students to assert control of their own educational development.

Wednesday 17 May 2023



            Making sure that everyone gets an equal chance to maximize their potential is what equality is all about. Violence toward women and girls is prevented by gender equality. Equal treatment of women and men results in safer and better societies. A human right is gender equality.

            Here are some of the problems and solutions to achieving gender equality:

1. problem: Many think men have more opportunities than women when it comes to getting high-paying jobs (job segregation)

SOLUTION: The possible solution for this is the implementation of rules and law by each company to have a fair and equal treatment for each employee.

2. PROBLEM: Unequal power in sexual partnership, result of gender-based violence.

SOLUTION: Quality maternal health care and services for mothers that can make them more empowered mothers as informed decision-makers concerning about their own health and the health of their children.

3. Problem: How society determines the differences and value of men vs. women plays a starring role in every area.

SOLUTION: Try to pay attention to your assumptions and know that none of us is immune to making bigoted comments or holding biased attitudes.

4. Problem: Female genital mutilation is an internationally recognized human rights violation.

SOLUTION: UNICEFS supports the development of policies and laws focusing on ending and outlawing FMG, and works to ensure their implementation and enforcement.

5. Problem: Far too many girls, especially those from the poorest families, still face gender discrimination in education, child marriage and pregnancy, sexual violence and unrecognized domestic work.

SOLUTION: Empowering girls from the start is proven to have lasting and compounding benefits over the course of their lives. us is immune to making bigoted comments or holding biased attitudes.

6. Problem: Widespread Discrimination Continues to Shape LGBT People’s Lives in Both Subtle and Significant Ways. in 2016 discrimination remained a widespread threat to LGBT people’s well-being, health, and economic security.

SOLUTION: LGBT rights advocates believe the strategy to ban SOGIE discrimination could offset at the local level the absence of such legislation at the national level.


Tuesday 16 May 2023

4 PLACES we have visited in Pampanga during our educational tour + our experiences

Do you have a bucket list right now? If nothing else, consider our experiences with some of the tourist attractions in Pampanga.

1. Air Force Park Museum in Pampanga

                The Air Force Park Museum in Pampanga is a pleasant spot to visit since it has large open fields filled with green grass, with a huge Acacia tree giving shade. We've had a lot of fun going around and viewing real-life planes. Since it is in an open environment, it is best visited on dry days.

2. Dinosaurs Island in Pampanga

        Dinosaurs Island has a "Jurassic Park" vibe to it. The park is a great place to learn more about dinosaurs. The Dino Trail, which features life-size moving animated dinosaurs, is one of the primary attractions here. We've been enjoying the dancing dinosaurs performance as they scare the audience, and we're all afraid since they look like actual dinosaurs that would eat us if we make even a single move.

3. San Guillermo Church Pampanga

        This is one of the churches in Pampanga that was immediately hit by Mt. Pinatubo's eruption in 1991. We can tell that the church is slightly below ground. But what I like most about it is that they have preserved the beauty and history of this church.

4. Sky Ranch in Pampanga

        Sky Ranch Pampanga offers safe and enjoyable kiddie rides and breathtaking rides for adults. As someone who enjoys thrill rides, I recommend this amusement park because it offers several spectacular rides to experience. What I like about it is that it is just in front of SM Pampanga, where you can try a variety of mouthwatering food with your barkadas. The splendor of the sunset at night is incredibly eye-catching to see from the top of a ferris wheel.

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